Paneer Nutrition Facts: What You Need to Know
paneer nutrition facts

Paneer Nutrition Facts: What You Need to Know

Indians love paneer. Did you know, paneer does more than just entice your taste buds? Let’s learn about paneer nutrition facts, paneer calories, protein in paneer and more.

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In any Indian restaurant, the vegetarian section of the menu is incomplete without paneer in it. Eating paneer has several benefits (let us look into the paneer nutrition facts), many of which are unknown to most people. Paneer, also known as cottage cheese, is popular in India and widely available throughout the country.

To get the full benefits of paneer, the way it is eaten also matters. Raw paneer is very healthy. It can be eaten as it is or you can sprinkle some pepper and salt on it before eating. If you prefer to eat paneer in the form of a curry, it is better to add it to the curry as it is and not fry it first.

Paneer (cottage cheese) is believed to be unhealthy by many people. People believe paneer is difficult to digest fattening and not good for regular or daily consumption. In reality, paneer is actually very easy to digest. It does have fats, but these are unsaturated fats that aid good health. There are many more benefits of paneer that might take you by surprise.

Let’s have a look at the nutritional content of paneer – Paneer Nutrition Facts!

Protein in paneer is an ideal source for vegetarians.

Paneer Nutritional Value

Ever wondered what are the nutrients you would get from paneer? These are nutritional facts for paneer (100 grams).

Nutrients Nutritional Value
Protein 18.85 grams
Fat 14.7 grams
Energy 257.875 Kcal
Folates 93.3 micrograms
Carbohydrates 12.4 grams
Calcium 476 micrograms
Saturated Fat 8851 micrograms
Monounsaturated Fat 4300 micrograms
Polyunsaturated Fat 439 micrograms
Phosphorus 330 micrograms

Paneer Nutrition Facts and Contains

1. Protein

Let’s talk about the protein content in paneer. Paneer is one of the most excellent sources of protein for those following a vegetarian diet. Paneer or cottage cheese contains all the nine essential amino acids. Proteins are also essential for maintaining growth, repairing tissue, maintaining immunity and maintaining our blood volume.

On its own paneer can taste a little bland, but there are a number of delicious Indian dishes that taste absolutely wonderful.

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cubes of paneer are being cut with a knife
Paneer Nutrition – Paneer is a rich source of protein and contains all the nine essential amino acids.

2. Fat 

Now, coming to the fat content in paneer. About 15% of paneer consists of fat. It is mostly saturated fat. However, it also has Monounsaturated fat (MUFA) which is healthy and helps in lowering the LDL (bad cholesterol) in the blood. 

The main MUFA in paneer- Oleic acid has been known to help with lowering BP. Paneer also contains an omega-3 polyunsaturated fat-alpha Linoleic acid. This is known for lowering the risk of cardiac diseases. While there are many good fats in paneer, due to the amount of saturated fat, regulated consumption is advised.

3. Calcium and Phosphorus 

Paneer is a rich source of calcium and phosphorus. Calcium helps with the proper functioning of nerves and heart muscles. While calcium is known to help improve skeletal health, it does require a certain amount of help from phosphorus.

The fact that we get both in paneer makes it a very beneficial food item to consume. Minerals like phosphorus help in releasing energy in the cells, support the growth of the body and maintain acid-base balance in the body.

4. Carbohydrates 

Paneer contains very little carbohydrates, making it perfect for those trying to cut out carbs from their diet.

Paneer is great for someone who keeps active or has a regular exercise regimen. For those who have a sedentary lifestyle, regular paneer consumption can lead to cholesterol build-up. Paneer tends to have a lot of moisture content in it, making it a breeding ground for bacteria, especially if the water used is dirty. This is why it is important to buy only quality paneer.  

Cheap paneer may have been made in unsanitary conditions. This could lead to an upset stomach, diarrhoea, food poisoning, etc. The high moisture content in paneer makes it a highly perishable product.

We have seen the Paneer Nutrition Facts and its Nutritional Content, now let us look into its benefits.

30 Interesting Ways To Add Paneer To Your Meal

Benefits of Paneer

1. Helps in bodybuilding

Paneer is a protein-rich food article. 100 grams of paneer has about 18 grams of protein. Paneer is recommended to those who are trying to bulk up. The best brands of paneer are filled with protein and also has saturated fats, it can keep hunger at bay.

2. Builds strong teeth and bones

Paneer is also rich in calcium making it great for teeth and gum health. It also has low levels of lactose in it, so the chances of cavities are greatly reduced. High calcium levels make paneer a favorable addition to the diet.


3. Improves body metabolism

Paneer provides instant energy to the body and it also helps in improving body metabolism. Paneer helps with the digestion of excess fat and does not let excess fat get stored in the body. Paneer is a great source of Linoleic acid; this is the acid that helps in the burning of body fat. So, paneer would be a good addition to your diet if you wish to lose weight.

4. Reduces body and joint pain

Paneer can reduce body pains especially when it is lower back pain. It has omega-three and omega-six fatty acids which help in fighting arthritis and joint pains associated with old age.

5. Lowers risk of cancer

Paneer contains a good amount of selenium and potassium. Both of these are nutrients that may help lower the risk of diseases such as cancer. The proteins in paneer help in lowering the chances of stomach and colon cancer. The risk of Prostate cancer, which is common in men, may be reduced by the intake of paneer.

6. Prevents skeletal deformation

Paneer helps in the prevention of skeletal deformation that can lead to hip and joint pains with the help of vitamin D. Paneer also has vitamin K and magnesium which helps in the development of strong bones.

7. Prevents stroke

Potassium in Paneer helps to reduce blood pressure in the body and helps prevent stroke. Potassium helps in fluid retention and it can also help in the prevention of muscle cramps. These benefits athletes, and gym-goers who may need high fluid intake and want to build muscles.

8. Improves immune system

Paneer helps to improve and strengthen the immune system of the body. Respiratory diseases like asthma and bronchitis can be controlled by regular intake of paneer. It helps in improving hemoglobin levels in the body. The magnesium in paneer boosts the immune system.

9. Improves concentration and memory

Paneer helps in developing cartilages due to the presence of vitamin B. This also helps in improving concentration and memory in children.

10. Reduces menopause stress

Regular consumption of paneer can help reduce menopause stress. The calcium in paneer also helps reduce the chances of osteoporosis in women.

11. Improves sperm count

Paneer has a high presence of zinc that helps in the prevention of sperm-related issues like low sperm count and low sperm mobility.

12. Improves skin

The fat, vitamins, and selenium present in paneer help your skin glow naturally.

13. Keeps you full for longer

Since paneer releases energy slowly in the body. It does not cause a spike in one’s blood sugar levels. It keeps you energized and feeling full for longer time periods. The amount of saturated fat keeps you full for a long time and prevents you from consuming too many calories.

14. Increases RBC count

One of the key nutritional factors is the Folate (a B-complex vitamin) that produces hemoglobin which is essential for maintaining the blood count.

rbc count

Frequently Asked Questions

Still have a doubt whether it is good to include paneer in your daily diet? No worries, we have answered a few of the most asked FAQs asked by our viewers.

Paneer is a rich source of protein, calcium, and phosphorus. It provides essential amino acids necessary for muscle growth and repair. Additionally, paneer contains vitamins like vitamin A, vitamin D, and vitamin B12, which are vital for overall health.

Paneer is a versatile food that can be included in various dishes to enhance their nutritional value. Its high protein content makes it an excellent choice for vegetarians and helps in maintaining muscle mass. Moreover, the calcium present in paneer supports bone health and helps prevent osteoporosis.

While paneer is high in protein and can help keep you feeling full for longer periods, it’s essential to consume it in moderation, especially if you’re on a weight loss diet. Opt for low-fat versions of paneer or control portion sizes to manage calorie intake effectively.

Paneer is a dairy product and contains lactose, which may cause discomfort for individuals with lactose intolerance. However, some people with lactose intolerance can tolerate small amounts of paneer, especially aged or fermented varieties. It’s best to consult a healthcare provider to determine personal tolerance levels.

While paneer offers various nutritional benefits, consuming it excessively may lead to an intake of saturated fats and cholesterol, which could potentially increase the risk of heart disease. It’s advisable to enjoy paneer as part of a balanced diet, along with other nutrient-rich foods, to maintain overall health.

Final Words

Though paneer has these benefits paneer works for people with an active lifestyle as they will burn the calories provided by paneer easily and gain its nutrients. Protein in paneer and other nutrients play an important role if you are trying to follow a balanced diet.

But moderation is key, eating everything in the right amount makes all the difference.

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