First Impressions -

Team Mishry

Team Mishry is our team of researchers, reviewers, digital content producers, and writers who are part of every review in our test kitchen. They test, taste, and tirelessly break down a product's features, discuss pros and cons and arrive at a final verdict after much debate, deliberations and dialogue. All the reviews where crucial inputs have been derived from multiple team members are where the byline belongs to the entire team - Team Mishry!

Prasuma Original Pork Momos Review

Prasuma Original Pork Momos Review

Delicious, tender and juicy meat encased in a thin wrapper is what defines momos for us. Do the Prasuma Original Pork Momos check all the boxes? Read our review to know more.

Wai Wai Chinese Hakka Egg Noodles Review

These ready to cook noodles contain egg and are a popular option when you want to make Chinese-style noodles, or hakka noodles at home. Here's our experience of cooking these in our test kitchen.