Amla Powder: Benefits, Nutritional Value and Side-Effects
benefits and side-effects of amla powder

Amla Powder: Nutritional Value | Benefits | Side-Effects | How To Make

Dried up amla powder is amongst the most popular ingredients in many home remedies based on the principles of Ayurveda. Its rich antioxidant nature and potential to boost digestive health make it very attractive.

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We know the significance of Amla in Ayurveda and its benefits, so it should come as no surprise that Amla powder also is highly sought after when it comes to finding home remedies for everyday health concerns. Amla powder, a bitter-tasting powder made out of dried amla is most commonly eaten alongside ginger, honey, or lemons. All these ingredients effectively suppress the bitter taste of amla powder and maximize its benefits.

Amla powder, or amla churna, as it is popularly known, is available nation-wide and consumed as a remedy for various ailments. Let’s take a look at what exactly makes amla a great addition to your diet.

Also Read: Top 9 Health Benefits Of Amla (Indian Gooseberry)| Recipe For Amla Juice

The Nutritional Value Of Amla Powder

Amla is one of the principal elements associated with Ayurveda, thus it makes it safe to state that its nutritional output is quite high. Here are some of those important facts that make amla a great natural remedy:

  • One of the key features of amla is its richness in vitamin C and vitamin A, which are the reason behind amla’s anti-oxidant properties.
  • Apart from being loaded with antioxidants, tannins and flavonoids, both plant-based anti-oxidants, can also be found in amla
  • Minerals such as phosphorus, iron, and calcium, are present in significant quality in amla powder.
  • A 100 grams serving of amla churna contains about just 2 grams of fat, thus making it weight loss friendly.

Benefits Of Amla Powder

Most of the benefits associated with amla powder are credited to its rich nutritional content. Some of its most popular benefits are:

1. Prevents Free-Radical Damages

Free-radicals, or free oxygen atoms, have a tendency to combine with healthy body cells. During the reaction, the free-radical exerts oxidative stress over the cell wall and causes the cell to get damaged. On the other hand, consuming an anti-oxidant rich food, such as amla powder, can help in the reduction of these free-radical damages, since the anti-oxidants present in the food combine with the free oxygen atoms (free-radicals) before they get a chance to reach the healthy cells.

The anti-oxidant nature of amla powder helps in lowering the free-radical concentration in the body.

2. Aids In Weight Loss

Weight loss is indeed one of the most common benefits associated with the consumption of amla churna. The fiber-rich nature of amla helps in keeping your stomach filled for long, as fibers are harder to digest, and thus it prevents you from over-eating. Furthermore, it is quite low in fat. 100 grams would only provide you with about 2 grams of fat.

Also Read: Super Foods To Reduce Belly Fat

3. Expands Blood Vessels And Lower Blood Pressure

This specific benefit of amla powder is the contribution of the higher levels of minerals present in the mix. Phosphorus, iron, and magnesium, all have a dilating effect on the inner lining of the blood vessels; hence they prevent the vessels from contracting and support a regular and proper flow of blood.

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4. Amla Powder Promotes Cardiovascular Health

It is needless to say that the consumption is linked with great cardiovascular health, as it maintains a proper flow of blood and keeps the blood pressure under check. Moreover, the dilating of the vessels due to the presence of minerals helps in their opening up and reduces the risk of cholesterol formation, which is another essential factor for good cardiovascular health.

5. Good For Vision

The high vitamin A content of amla is quite important for maintaining proper vision. Adequate consumption of vitamin A is normally advised as a cure for near-sightedness, a fact that only strengthens amla powder’s role as a promoter of healthy eyesight. Another contributor to this benefit is a chemical called carotene. In fact, the anti-oxidant property of amla helps in the prevention of free-radical damage and reduces muscular degeneration, which is usually an age-related concern.

6. Prevents Memory Loss

The anti-oxidant rich nature of amla provides a lot of benefits since most of the issues that are related to free-radical damage are easily tackled. One such issue is Alzheimer’s disease, an age-related concern that often leads to memory loss. By reducing the risk of free-radical damage, adequate consumption of amla powder and boost your mental strength and may help such a condition.

7. Clears Skin-Tone

The addition of amla powder into one’s diet is often linked with a brighter skin tone because of its rich Vitamin C concentration. It prevents the skin cells from getting damaged and also tackles other skin-related issues such as acne and blemishes.

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20 unbeatable benefits of drinking amla juice every day.

Side-Effects Of Amla Powder

The above-mentioned benefits of amla will surely make you think of it as some kind of a holy remedy. But everything that is consumed in a large amount can prove to be harmful, even if it’s a medicine. The same is true for amla powder as well. Since there is no proper study on how amla powder affects pregnancy, pregnant women are usually advised to avoid its consumption. Moreover, the high-fiber nature of amla makes its heavy consumption a matter of concern, since it can fill you up and adds up to the bulk of your stool.

Amla is a well-known food item that lowers the platelet count, thus consumption large quantity of amla powder may reduce blood clotting and cause excessive bleeding. The correct quantity for consumption in the case of amla powder is 1 tbsp per day (only after consulting a doctor).

amla juice

How To Make Amla Powder?

Amla powder is prepared by drying up of regular Indian gooseberries. Though amla powder has the same nutritional benefits as the amla itself, it is still an easier and convenient way of acquiring amla’s nutrients. Here is a proper way of making amla powder in the comfort of your home:

  • Carefully cut the amla into pieces and dry them up by keeping them under the sun.
  • Once all of the juice is evaporated, pick them up and put them in a blender.
  • Blend them completely and transfer the powder into an airtight container.
  • Your amla powder is ready; just make sure that you consume it before 6 months.

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Frequently Asked Questions

After a long list of advantages and side effects of amla powder, here we have answered a few interesting FAQs asked by our readers.

1. Can amla powder be consumed every day?

Amla powder has a lot of health benefits, due to which people assume an everyday consumption of it is beneficial. But let’s not forget that overconsumption of anything is harmful. A daily safe limit is about 1 tbsp.

Note: Consult your physician before adding this to your daily diet.

2. What is the best time to have amla powder?

To obtain all the possible benefits from amla powder, the best time to consume it is early morning.

3. Can amla powder be consumed with water?

It is safe to consume amla powder with water. Add 1 tbsp of amla powder to 1 glass of water, mix it thoroughly. Consume it early in the morning on an empty stomach to obtain positive benefits.

4. Is amla good for weight loss?

Amla is a natural way to lose weight. Daily consumption of it may help to get rid of unwanted belly fat.

5. Can amla be taken with milk?

It is never advised to consume amla with milk. Keep a distance of at least 45 minutes before consumption of this both.

Final Words

We will end this article on a good note and state that amla has been consumed for its beneficial nature for many centuries now, and we have no doubt about its extra-ordinary benefits that make it the elemental part of Ayurveda. Consume it responsibly, for reaping maximum benefits.

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