Your Guide To A One-Day Pre-Holiday Detox

Your Guide To A One-Day Pre-Holiday Detox

Trying to shed those last few pounds? This pre-holiday detox guide will help you through.

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Detoxification means resetting. Allowing oneself a break from routine habits is a great way to strengthen and energize. From food, booze, social media, a hectic schedule, etc.

Today’s article is one more specific to the digestive system detox. Not only will this quick (and gentle) detox get your skin looking more glowy and radiant, but will also take care of the post-meal bloating! Not to mention how thankful your organs would be. 

If you paid close attention in that biology class, you’d know the key to a fast metabolism is a high percentage of lean muscle mass along with genetics. To ensure the detox doesn’t cause loss of muscle tissue, we’ve added a good number of protein-rich ingredients. (and no, you won’t need to chug a glass of whey). There are also a couple of detox-friendly, naturally high in protein recipes that taste so great, you’d want to add them to your daily diet. 

Muscle mass is what we want to preserve and protein is the building block for our systems. Hence not skimping on protein and ensuring the RDA is met is vital. Following are some protein-rich, nutritious, and tasty snacks and ingredients we tried and loved. 

PS- all our options are 100% vegetarian which means you can relish them not just before but during the festive season too!

A. Yoga Bar 100% Pure Peanut Butter

Fresh and nutty, this unsweetened peanut butter is made using slow-roasted, slow-ground peanuts. The smooth texture and easy spreadability are other features we liked

One serve (32 g) provides almost 10 g of protein

Recipe Recommendations- Peanut butter toast; add to a milkshake; drizzle over a salad; as a dip with fruits.

B. Patanjali Paneer

Mattar paneer, paneer pulao, paneer sandwich, or some pepper-sprinkled cubes, if you can’t get your hands on fresh paneer from a local dairy, Patanjali Paneer could be considered.

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It is made of cow milk and has an ever-so-slightly sweet taste (when tasted raw)

Post-cooking, we liked how the cubed shapes were retained and how beautifully the flavors were absorbed. 

There’s 18 g of protein per 100 g of Patanjali Paneer. 

Recipe Recommendations- stir fry; paratha; frankie; pulao

C. The Whole Truth

Protein bars made of nutrient-dense ingredients, no preservatives, no artificial/added sugars, great-tasting, and offer a good-quality protein too? Sounds close to impossible, doesn’t it?

Well, we thought so too until we tried six variants of The Whole Truth mini protein bars. Taste, texture, macronutrient composition, thumbs up on all aspects. 

6-8 g of protein per mini bar.

Recipe Recommendations- with black tea/coffee

2. A Pause On Refined

From increased focus to better energy levels, reducing the intake of refined sugar benefits our systems overall. 

Typically, eliminating sugar is associated with weight loss. This happens as sugar and insulin levels do not spike up leading to a rapid drop in energy which causes random hunger pangs. 

A. Sprig Ginger Honey

Among the multiple flavored jars of honey we have reviewed, Sprig ginger honey is hands-down the winner. We tested this honey for its taste in three ways. Plain warm water, homemade ‘golden latte’, and green tea. 

The presence of ginger was felt in the aroma as well as taste. The zing from ginger felt fresh and pleasant. 

Recipe Recommendations- great plant-based sweetener for green teas, kadhas; as a salad dressing.

B. Gouri Natural Energy Bars

Devoid of preservatives and refined sugars, these energy bars are delish! The ingredients that go in the making are nutritious powerhouses like oats, flaxseeds, palm jaggery, sesame seeds, and amaranth. 

Spot-on sweetness, satiating but not overfilling, these bars are great mid-meal snacks.

Recipe Recommendations- pre or post-workout

C. Honey Shop Forest Honey

This is a jar of raw, organic honey that is unprocessed. Taste-wise, this honey is slightly sweet, mildly citrusy, and has a delicate fennel-like flavor.

We like the luscious amber color and the thicker-than-commercial alternatives consistency of this honey. 

Fun Fact-No honeybees were harmed in the collection process!

3. Load Up Those Good Fats

There are several types of fats- some healthy, others unhealthy, and refined. Your goal must be to consume as little as possible of saturated and trans fats which are mainly found in processed and packaged foods. 

Unsaturated fats are the healthier ones found in nuts, seeds, virgin oils, etc. 

A. Nutndiet Organic Virgin Coconut Oil

This is an exceptional virgin coconut oil. Fresh, warm, and tropical best describe the aroma. Taste-wise, this cold-pressed coconut oil had a fresh and mild taste.

We made a bulletproof coffee with this that was laced with a delicate coconuttiness. 

Recipe Recommendations- bulletproof coffee; saute; stir fry; tempering. 

B. Yummsy Seeds Granola Bar

The market is flooded with sugar-loaded energy bars. Yummsy granola bars, six flavor variants, contain no added sugar or preservatives and are gluten-free. Each variant has between 140-180 kcal. 

Premium quality ingredients have been used that lend rich flavors. Each ingredient, be it flaxseeds, amaranth, or cacao butter, adds a unique texture. Read an in-depth review here

C. Svasti Ghee

Multiple benefits at the cellular level, ghee is a fat source rich in omega-3 fatty acids that help prevent excess weight gain (and promote weight loss too).  Svasti’s Pure Cow Ghee became a pantry staple after our review for its beautiful aroma and invigorating taste. From main meals to sabzis and desserts too, this ghee elevated the taste like no other. 

Recipe Recommendations- for desserts; add a dollop over rice/paratha. 

D. Epigamia Ghee Spreads 

Goodness of ghee shook hands with chocolate sweetness and came into being these Epigamia Ghee spreads. With a truly innovative range of products, we tried all four variants. Toasted slices of bread, roti, steaming idlis- these spreads are nutritionally dense as the fat source is healthier than refined alternatives. 

Recipe Recommendations- by the brand- idli, bread, roti/parathas

4. Dairy Break

‘Milk is rich in calcium, it’s good for your bones!’ 

However, there are multiple dairy-free sources of calcium like leafy greens, soy, figs, cashews, oranges, etc. Around 65% of the human population is lactose intolerant- they get bloated or experience other uncomfortable symptoms after consuming milk. 

Maybe those extra inches are just lactose intolerance. 

A. Raw Pressery Almond Milk

Fresh and dark, Raw Pressery Almond milk in the cacao variant is made using all vegan-friendly ingredients. We like how this beverage was mildly sweet with balanced flavors of dark chocolate and almonds. 

Recipe Recommendations- warm or chilled; can be frozen to make vegan ice cream.

B. Epigamia Coconut Yogurt

There are two variants in this plant-based yogurt range. One has no added sweeteners and the other is sweetened using coconut jaggery. 

Aroma, taste, and texture- the coconut presence was prominent. There were no synthetic, artificial, or industrial aspects to this. 

The sweetened variant could have been a tad bit sweeter in our opinion. 

C. SoyCo. Tofu

Soya is the only complete source of protein for vegetarians and vegans. It contains all nine essential amino acids. Soybeans, soya chunks, soy milk, and tofu aka vegan paneer- the versatility soy offers!

As part of our Curated series, we reviewed The SoyCo.’s Lite Firm Tofu. It was fresh, firm, and delicious. What we loved most was the smooth creaminess the tofu had without being too oily. 

Roughly 8 g of protein per 100 g. 

Recipe Recommendations- salad; paratha; sabzi; baked cubes

6. Hydrate Hydrate Hydrate

Water comprises around 60% of our bodies. From maintaining temperature and level of electrolytes to flushing out waste, staying hydrated is known to help reduce weight too. 

How? The hunger and thirst signals are sent to the same part of the brain. Oftentimes, thirst is confused for hunger. This is why having a glass of water 30 minutes before meals is recommended. 

A. Haldi Vita Drink Mix

Smoothies, milkshakes, protein shakes, milk, and tea too- this turmeric-based drink mix can be consumed in several different ways. This drink mix is a blend of all ‘superfoods’ like turmeric, black pepper, flaxseeds, sunflower seeds, jaggery powder, and others. 

Recipe Recommendations- We tried this mixed in a glass of warm milk. On the sweetness and aroma parameters- this was a very good product

B. Baidyanath Ayurvedic Juices

Four granny-trusted Ayurvedic ingredients offer their goodness in the form of a bottled beverage. These low-calorie, sugar-free Baidyanath Ayurvedic juices come with detailed nutritional labels. That’s a plus!

Each variant (ingredient) provides unique benefits for the heart, skin, digestion, etc. Though we cannot corroborate these health benefits, we recommend these juices because they are free of added sugars, are low in calories, and are loaded with Vitamin C.

Recipe Recommendations- as it comes

C. Shunya zero cal drinks

Available in three variants, we tried the apple and orange flavors from the Shunya Zero Calorie Herbal drinks range. Fresh and sweet, loaded with Ayurvedic herbs- we liked apple better. 

Prepared with ashwagandha, khus, brahmi, and kokum– these beverages have a great balance of fruity flavors with minerals and vitamins.

PS- One serving provides 50% of the vitamins’ RDA and 20% of minerals’ RDA.

Recipe Recommendations- as it is.

7. Calm The Carbs

Overloading on carbohydrates is easy- bread, biscuits, all things sweet. But do you know what makes it easier? When it’s served with a side of your favorite show. When our visual senses are busy watching the screen, the first step of digestion is missed partially or completely. This leads to our brain missing the ‘I am full now’ signal. 

Limiting your carb intake, especially refined carbohydrates, helps relieve gut issues like bloating and acidity while simultaneously taking the load off your organs. 

This is why diet patterns like intermittent fasting or a one-day fast/week are followed and loved globally. 

A. Ketofy cookies

We reviewed the coconut and choco fudge Keto cookie variants from Ketofy and we recommend the former. It has a tropical, sweet, and milky coconut flavor. These flourless cookies aren’t hard and dense. In fact, they have the perfect crunch and a prominent bite. Great for pairing with a cup of tea/coffee. 

Two pieces of these Ketofy coconut cookies provide around 100 kcals and are quite filling. 

Recipe Recommendations- with your mid-morning beverage

B. Kamaleya Organics Millets

Millets are rightly called nutritious powerhouses. Everything from fiber, proteins, and micronutrients is naturally present in appropriate quantities. 

From Kamaleya Organics, we ordered a family pack of millet noodles, millet poha, dosa, and rava. 

To simply put it, there was not much variation in taste as the tastemaker/veggies/seasonings play a major role there.

However, the base flavors were earthy and even slightly nutty. We liked this!

A low glycemic index means a slower insulin spike which results in sustained energy levels. 

Recipe Recommendations- noodles- with the tastemaker; poha- with peanuts; upma- with veggies; dosa- with a potato filling or a teaspoon of ghee/butter

C. By Nature Coconut Chips

If you thought diets meant no mid-meal snacking, you thought wrong. 

If said mid-meal snacks are what throw you off track, here’s an interesting option. By Nature’s coconut chips have no added preservatives and are gluten-free.

Recipe Recommendations- 

These baked coconut chips are crispy and have a mild chocolatey flavor. 

We think these would be a great way to add some textures to an otherwise blended smoothie bowl. 

There are four flavor variants you can try if chocolate doesn’t appeal to you. 

8. Glorious Gut

Fiber-rich, prebiotics, probiotics, less processed and packaged foods- the steps to a happy tummy are easier than you think. 

A. Amul Premium Dahi

Rich, creamy, and exceptionally well set, Amul Premium Dahi was the collective Top Pick in our packaged dahi brands review. The negligible whey content in this dahi makes it extremely versatile.

Recipe Recommendations- From marinades to dips- this creamy dahi was a hit!

B. Anveshan Chia Seeds

Certified organic and with a prominent nutty taste, Anveshan Chia seeds are ideal for a quick, refreshing beverage. The pack holds a combination of black, white, and grey chia seeds that soak up an adequate amount of water and bloom well. 

Additionally, the crunch and bite factor- commendable!

Recipe Recommendations- add to lemon water

C. Neuherbs ACV with Mother

During our Neuherbs ACV review, we witnessed all the characteristic flavors and aromas ACV is known to have. It was sharp, pungent, and acidic. In addition to these, Neuherbs ACV (with mother) is organic, free of added sugars, colors, flavors, and preservatives. 

Recipe Recommendations- ideally for consumption before large meals; can also be used as a salad dressing

Before the festive season or year-round, we do not recommend extreme diets. What we believe in is eating healthy and nutritious foods, keeping portion sizes in mind, and maintaining an active lifestyle. A balance is must and the more sustainable these habits are, the easier it will be to incorporate them into your daily routine. 

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