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A Detailed Guide About Dill And How To Dry Dill At Home

Sometimes, a plant is used in several ways in the culinary industry. For example, rosemary seeds are used as a spice in the foods, while the herb helps to add aroma and flavor to the dish. Similarly, dill is also used dually- the weed is used as an herb, and the seed is ground and then used as a spice in combination with others. This particular herb has become quite famous over the last few years, thanks to the fact that it adds an earthy flavor and fragrance to the dishes. Since using fresh dill can become a bit difficult, people are looking for ‘how to dry dill’ at home. 

In this article, we will be discussing various things about this plant, starting from its origin to the benefits of dry dill weed. So, without wasting any more time, let’s start the discussion!

Dill Plant- The Basics

If you like to eat celery, you must find a resemblance in the dill’s taste profile. After all, this plant belongs to the celery family of annual plants. The plant is cultivated widely in most of the European and Asian countries. As a result, the herb is used in the Eurasian cuisine, be it an Italian seasoning herb or in the Thai spice section. 

You will see that the leaves are grown in bushes if you look at the plant, having thin width and medium length. They form clusters around the stems, making it very difficult to use them as a single herb stalk. So, if you want to use it in a stored form, you need to learn how to dry dill most effectively.

If you like to eat celery, you must find a resemblance in the dill’s taste profile.

How To Dry Dill?

Since dill is one of the fresh herbs that you can find in the market, you will want to learn more about how to dry dill easily at your home. Here, we have discussed the best five methods of drying dill weed without losing its fragrance or flavor. So, let’s start!

Freeze-Drying Dill

The freeze-drying method is one of the best ways of drying fresh dill. Here, you need to make sure you are gathering up fresh stalks of the plant, having many green leaves with flower buds. Here are some of the ways with which you can dry dill. 

Dehydrating Dill In The Dehydrator

A dehydrator is a special device that helps you dehydrate various kinds of raw ingredients like fruits, vegetables, herb, etc. They almost work like a microwave oven, having multiple trays that can be inserted at once. Many machine settings will give you enough options to dry the dill in the best possible manner. Here are the steps of how to dry dill using a dehydrator machine. 

Learn how to dry dill

Using the oven to dry the dill 

For some people who do not have a dehydrator machine, you need to look for the oven. Drying dill in oven is one of the best ways to prepare the herb’s crispy form efficiently. Here is the entire description of how you can use the appliance to dry your dill stalks. 

Dried Dill In A Microwave

The next method of how to dry dill is the microwave-drying technique. Since you use the appliance almost regularly, there is no need to explain its functions. We can straightaway jump to the process. 

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Dill drying in microwave saves time

Air Hanging The Dill Stalks

The last method of how to dry dill is by drying the stalks by hanging them upside down in the air. Here is a detailed guide on how to carry on with this particular method. 

So, these are some of the best ways to dry dill. So, whenever you look for how to dehydrate dill, you can opt for any of these methods. 

Health Benefits Of Dried Dill

Vitamin A present in the plant will help you to keep your eyes healthy

In the previous section, we have learned several ways of how to dry dill at home by using tools you already have. Now, it’s time to understand the importance of the dried dill for your health. 

Culinary Uses Of Dry Dill

Add it to butter, a dressing or roasted veggies.

After discovering the various methods of how to dry dill, you need to learn the culinary uses of the herb in your day-to-day lives. This will help you in understanding the utility of the herb clearly. 


From this entire discussion, now you know how to dry dill, use it during your cooking routines, and health benefits. So, now you won’t have any problem getting a bunch of fresh dill stalks and preparing for the drying method that seemed to be best for you. 

Disclaimer – This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information before making any dietary changes.

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