Try Out Orika Shahi Kahwa This Winter

1. Taste

– Kahwa is brewed with spices like cinnamon, cardamom, ginger and saffron. – These rich and warming spices help keep the cold away, considering it originates from colder parts of the country.

2. Aroma

– This has very delicate notes of saffron and a substantial amount of sugar. – The beverage misses out on the complex warmth of spices and any bold notes you expect from a well-brewed kahwa.

3. Convenience

– Kahwa mixes eliminate the need to collect and carefully brew the beverage. – This also offers convenience.

4. Consistency

– This white, fine premix powder turned light-yellow once we mixed it in water. – The color looks very similar to how natural saffron would turn out to be. – This has no artificial colors.

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