Blueberry Flavored Yogurts You Must Try

Epigamia Greek Blueberry Yogurt

– No artificial colors – We love the pop of blueberry bits in between – Smooth creamy consistency with fresh and natural taste – Amount of added sugars is the lowest

Nestle A+ Grekyo

Very fresh tastingHighest calcium contentThis is creamyLacks intensity of blueberry flavorLowest fruit contentIt contains natural color (163 ii)Calories and added sugars higher than our Top Pick.

Mother Dairy

The yogurt tastes freshHigh calcium contentSynthetic blueberry flavor and aromaOverly sweetHighest calories per serveThinnest consistency

Why Is Epigamia Our Top Pick?

Best tasting, freshest yogurt with the cleanest ingredient listBlueberry flavor is the best in thisBalanced sweetness levelsNo preservatives and artificial colors

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