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Wagh Bakri Green Tea is widely available in super-stores and kiranas. It emerged as the Runner’s Up of Mishry’s Best Everyday Green Tea Review. According to the official website, “Wagh Bakri tea master blenders and tasters have selected the finest green tea made from the leaves of Camellia Sinensis that have undergone minimal oxidation during processing. Wagh Bakri Green Tea is naturally rich in antioxidants (flavonoids), which may help to reduce the harmful effects of stress and pollution on your body.”
We tested 9 widely-available brands, and Wagh Bakri emerged second best in our entire review process. Interestingly, Wagh Bakriis the only brand amongst all those reviewed that suggests 1/2 of green tea per cup. (The others recommend 1 tsp per cup).
Wagh Bakri is available in a 100-gram bright green color pack that showcases the preparation process, generic information about the making of this tea, net weight, contents amongst others.
Pricing Information About Wagh Bakri Green Tea-Long Leaf
The 100-gram green tea pack is priced at Rs. 85. The pack suggests to prepare your cup of green tea by heating 100 ml of water till it boils or cool it down for 30 seconds, add half a teaspoon of green tea and brew for one to two minutes, depending on the flavor you prefer. You could add honey, lemon or ginger to it, as per your taste preference.
Flavor Of Wagh Bakri Green Tea
Wagh Bakri green tea has a light color, strong aroma and a pleasant flavor to it that you cannot afford to miss.
The Mishry Secret Sauce was to check the reusability of the green tea leaves. We stored the used green tea leaves for about four hours before brewing them again. It was to check if the leaves have retained their flavor and color. Wagh Bakri did retain both and became the runner’s up in the review.
Team Mishry is our team of researchers, reviewers, digital content producers, and writers who are part of every review in our test kitchen. They test, taste, and tirelessly break down a product's features, discuss pros and cons and arrive at a final verdict after much debate, deliberations and dialogue. All the reviews where crucial inputs have been derived from multiple team members are where the byline belongs to the entire team - Team Mishry!
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