Cauliflower and Broccoli are two of the healthiest and tastiest vegetables that can be consumed raw (as a salad) or even cooked. If you have been spending most of your time searching different web pages to know more information about cauliflower vs. broccoli then this is the article that answers all your questions. We will explain in detail the benefits of eating Broccoli and Cauliflower, facts about the two, and lastly, which of the two is a healthier option when it is cauliflower vs. broccoli.
Let’s get started!
Everything you want to know about Cauliflower
To start with, cauliflower is an annual plant that is available in the market whole year-round. Its head is white which is the edible part and it grows in the shape of a flower. It is because of the white cheese curd-like appearance of the head of the cauliflower that it is often addressed as “curd” as well. If you think that cauliflower is broccoli then you are wrong. Instead, cauliflower is a plant which belongs to the category of Brassica Oleracea. The word Cauliflower is derived from an Italian word called “Cavolfiore” meaning cabbage flower. However, the actual origin of its name is from Latin in which Caulis means cabbage. We will talk about cauliflower, broccoli, and cauliflower vs. broccoli below:
Table of Contents
What are the health benefits of Cauliflower?
Amy Shapiro, the founder of Real Nutrition who is a certified dietician-nutritionist as well says that Cauliflower is one such vegetable which is a very high source of vitamin C, vitamin K, folic acid, calcium, potassium, and fiber. Not only this, “phytonutrients which are known to enhance immunity, prevent aging, and fight cancer are also found in Cauliflower. Therefore, if you are thinking whether cauliflower is good for you or not then the answer is very direct-“yes”. The nutritional value of Cauliflower is explained in more detail below-
In one cup of Cauliflower, the following are present-
- Vitamin K- 21%DV
- Fibre- 8.4% DV
- Protein- 2.1 grams
- Carbs-5 grams
- Calories- 27
- Calcium- 2.4% DV

Four major health benefits of Cauliflower-
Read the below-mentioned reasons to find out whether which is better for you: cauliflower or broccoli.
1. Cauliflower is a rich source of antioxidants
The antioxidants are known to protect the human body cells from all those free radicals which are very harmful and may also cause inflammation. Cauliflower, just like other vegetables, is very high in glucosinolates and isothiocyanates (which are the best antioxidants). The doctor’s day that consuming cauliflower regularly can also help to lower the risk of cancer. Along with the hormones of the body are also controlled properly with these antioxidants resulting in decreasing the possibility of hormonal cancer.
2. Cauliflower helps to shed extra kilos
Not many people are aware of the fact that cauliflower is one among many veggies which is extremely low in calories. Therefore, if you want to shred those extra kilos then you should start eating Cauliflower in your daily diet. Not only is this a great substitute for rice and potatoes.
3. Promotes better digestion
The doctors and the nutrition experts say that Cauliflower is known to improve the process of digestion. This is the best vegetable for those who often have digestion related problems as it helps in the easy digestion process.
4. Prevents the risk of cancer
Last but not the least, another great thing about eating Cauliflower regularly is that it greatly decreases the risk of all types of cancer in young as well as old age. Along with this Cauliflower is often recommended by the doctors to people who lead a stressful life because of the presence of free radicals in the same.
Some unknown facts about Cauliflower
- It is rich in fiber and vitamins.
- Eating Cauliflower helps to boost the cardiovascular system and give strength to the bones.
- Popularly used to make pizza crust as well.

How to pick the fresh Cauliflower?
If you have made up your mind to buy Cauliflower then here are few things which you should keep in your mind before doing that.
- Make sure you are buying it fresh
If one wants to make most of the nutritional value of any given vegetable then it is always better to buy the same fresh and Cauliflower is no exception to the same. If you don’t know how to pick the fresh Cauliflower then always check the color of the white head of the flower, if you find it clean and white, it is likely to be fresh.
- Always settle for one which is cultivated in organic fertilizers
There is no hiding the fact that in today’s date markets are flooding with vegetables which are prepared using chemical fertilizers which can be very bad for one’s health. This is why we always advise our readers to pick a Cauliflower which is cultivated using organic pesticides and fertilizers.
- Be cautious of the worms in Cauliflower
Yes, you have read it absolutely right. One has to be very cautious of the worms in the cauliflower. It is always better to look carefully as the worms in this vegetable are white in color and if consumed can be poisonous to the body. Readers should avoid buying this vegetable during the heavy rainy season.
Everything you want to know about Broccoli
Broccoli can be defined as an edible green leafy vegetable. Some people find it very hard to spot a difference between cauliflower and broccoli. However, after reading this detailed information, you will be able to do the same. Broccoli belongs to the cabbage family. The color of Broccoli is usually dark green. The head of this vegetable comprises small green color leaves. The reason why people often get confused between Cauliflower and Broccoli is because of their similar-looking appearance. Broccoli is largely consumed by people as raw, steamed, and cooked.
What are the health benefits of Broccoli?
The very learned and famous, Dr. Will Cole who is the creator of Ketotarian Diet tells us that Broccoli has multiple health benefits as it is very rich in essential vitamins and nutrients which are needed by the body to prevent cancer, maintain a proper blood sugar balance, improving the health of the heart to helping in weight loss. Have a look at the below-mentioned nutrition value in one cup of Broccoli to understand the things better.
- Calories-31
- Carbs- 6 grams
- Calcium-4.3%DV
- Vitamin K- 116% DV
- Fiber- 9.6% recommended DV
- Proteins- 2.6 grams

Major health benefits of Broccoli
If you are struggling with the question of what is healthier broccoli or cauliflower then read the below-stated additional health benefits of Broccoli.
- Helps to maintain proper cholesterol levels
The first major benefit of broccoli on our list is that consuming broccoli regularly can greatly help to control cholesterol levels. According to the research study published by the Nutrition Research, it is said that steamed Broccoli is the best when it comes to balancing high cholesterol levels. Americans are known to eat a lot of Broccoli in their daily diet.
Also read: Different Ways To Eat Broccoli & Fun Broccoli Based Dishes
- Broccoli ensures proper eye health
The second amazing benefit of Broccoli is that it helps in improving eye health because it is rich in carotenoids, lutein, and zeaxanthin. These three substances are known to decrease the risk of eye-related problems with coming of age.
- Broccoli promotes to strengthen the bones
There are very few options in vegetables which help in strengthening the bones. There are very rare vegetables which being non-dairy products can help to boost the strength of the bones. Therefore, if you are a person who has a medical problem such as arthritis and other bone issues.
How to buy the right Broccoli?
- Always buy fresh Broccoli
The nutrition experts say that if one wants to enjoy the great taste and get all the nutrition of the Broccoli then always make sure you pick the fresh vegetable. One should also note that there are two main varieties of Broccoli- one of green color and the other of dark purple color.
- Always buy Broccoli from clean and dry places
Broccoli is one such vegetable that can get spoiled very easily and also get infected by the worms. Therefore, it is always safer to buy the same from places which are very clean and dry.

What are the major similarities between Cauliflower and Broccoli?
Given the fact that Broccoli and Cauliflower are two different vegetables, there are many similarities as well between them. Some of the similarities are that both are rich in proteins, fiber, calcium, low in calories, and best for weight loss, helps to improve digestion, increase the strength in bones, etc.
A study was conducted by the Environmental Working Group it has been stated that both Broccoli and Cauliflower are known to have the lowest use of product pesticides while they are cultivated. This directly makes them the safest for consumption.
However, it is still strictly advised that people should wash the same thoroughly before consuming it. Since you know about what makes these two vegetables similar, it is time to know about cauliflower vs. broccoli.
Cauliflower vs. Broccoli or What are some of the major differences between Cauliflower and Broccoli?
Although there are not many major differences between Cauliflower and Broccoli, the latter is known to be rich in vitamins K and C as compared to the cauliflower. Broccoli contains essential minerals that are necessary for the proper growth of the body. Last but not the least; Broccoli is known to have fewer amounts of calories and fat as compared to Cauliflower. So, this was about cauliflower vs. broccoli.
Which is healthier: Cauliflower or Broccoli?
Now that you have read about cauliflower vs. broccoli it can be said that broccoli is known to be a slightly healthier option as compared to cauliflower. However, both of them are known to be very rich in Vitamins, possess excellent nutrients for strengthening bones, a rich source of fiber, calcium, and potassium. Apart from all of these qualities both broccoli and cauliflower are known to be two of the most versatile vegetables that can be consumed raw, steamed as well as cooked. So, for those looking for answers to cauliflower vs. broccoli, its broccoli.
Apart from all of this, if you have been looking for healthy food choices that can help you detox your body then nothing can be better than cauliflower and broccoli.

What are the best ways to eat Broccoli and Cauliflower?
As mentioned above that Broccoli and Cauliflower are two most versatile vegetables, it is time to inform our readers that what are the best ways to eat them in their daily diet and get all the goodness of the same?
- Raw- Well Broccoli and Cauliflower both taste great in a salad when added in raw form. If you like eating salads then there are many different recipes online which you can try when it comes to preparing salads. To add a richer flavor to these salads, readers can think of adding spicy avocados or just the honey ricotta dip. Roasted cauliflower and broccoli also taste great in the salad.
- Cooked- Lastly, people enjoy eating both Broccoli and Cauliflower cooked along with other veggies such as potatoes. Cauliflower vegetable makes very popular North Indian cuisines which is very common in every Indian household.
We hope that after reading this detailed article, our readers will be able to decide which a healthier food choice is for them when it is cauliflower vs. broccoli. If you want to keep reading about more such fruits and vegetables then keep following our blogs for more such information. Before you decide to make any major change in your daily diet we would recommend that you should consult your nutritionist or your family doctor so that there is no health-related risk taken by you.