2. Acts As An Antioxidant
Thanks to its antioxidant nature, ginseng tea can also be beneficial when it comes to the reduction in the concentration of free-radicals (free-oxygen atoms) present in the blood. Free-radicals are responsible for attacking the healthy cells of our body, causing oxidative stress over the cell walls and damaging them. In some cases, this may cause inflammation of the tissues. However, antioxidants have the ability to combine with these free-radicles before they get a chance to reach a healthy cell. In the long run, a diet rich in antioxidants helps to keep the system healthy and fit.

3. Improves Cognitive Ability
Herbal teas are quite effective when it comes to simulating the brain cells. Known for improving concentration and relieving stress, they do so by increasing the secretion of serotonin and dopamine (the chemicals responsible for the efficient working of the brain), in the body. Consumption of ginseng tea is shown to be quite beneficial in preventing memory loss and delaying age-related mental health issues, all thanks to its antioxidant nature.
4. Good For Lowering Blood Pressure
This Korean-origin plant is definitely effective for the lowering of LDL cholesterol (also known as ‘bad cholesterol’) levels in the blood. However, just like any other natural remedy for cholesterol, it is advised for you to first check it with your doctor, and take note of whether it would react well with any medications that you are currently taking.
5. Strengthens Immunity
Again, thanks to its antioxidant properties, sufficient consumption of ginseng tea can effectively strengthen the immune system. Acting as free-radical scavengers, anti-oxidants are beneficial in reducing the concentration of free-oxygen atoms in the cells from getting damaged and helping them to continue to function adequately.
6. Lowers Blood Glucose Level
The consumption of ginseng tea has been associated with the lowering of blood sugar level. The ginsenosides (the chemical found in ginseng tea) is responsible for increasing the secretion of insulin, a pancreatic hormone that is used for the breaking down of sugar molecules present in the blood.
7. Beneficial For Hair Health
A hot cup of ginseng tea is quite beneficial when it comes to providing an adequate amount of nourishment to the scalp and preventing it from getting dry. Regular consumption is known to be helpful as it aids in getting rid of dandruff, making sure that your scalp has a healthy growth of hair.
8. Results In Healthy Skin
A regular cup of ginseng tea can help in the prevention of skin related problems such as eczema, acne, and rough skin, which often tend to indicate a rather unhealthy lifestyle. Thanks to the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of this herbal tea, it helps in maintaining the structure of the skin cells. In addition, it keeps the other sign of aging such as wrinkles, dark spots, and blemishes at bay.
benefits of ginseng tea
benefits of ginseng tea
Side-Effects Of Ginseng Tea
Everything that is consumed in excess ends up being bad for health. Let’s take a look at the adverse effects associated with the heavy consumption of ginseng herbal tea:
1. May Cause Gastrointestinal Problems
Since Ginseng tea is adequately effective in the fastening of your body’s metabolism, heavy consumption of this herbal tea can result in undigested waste. Moreover, such occurrences can result in diarrhea, bloating, and sometimes even vomiting.
2. Hormonal Imbalance
Consumption of ginseng tea is linked with the increase in the secretion of estrogen, further causing estrogenic effects throughout the body, which could lead to hormonal abnormalities and in some rare cases, it can prove to be fatal too.
3. Can Cause Depression
Ginseng tea, though beneficial for improving cognitive abilities, could also have adverse effects on your brain when consumed in large volumes. This is mainly due to the fact that its adequate intake can help in secretion of hormones such as dopamine and serotonin; two ‘happy’ hormones which tend to enhance the mood. However, an unregulated consumption can make the brain dependent on the beverage; hence it won’t naturally secrete these hormones unless you consume ginseng tea.
4. Low Blood Sugar
Ginseng tea is responsible for significantly lowering blood sugar levels, thus it is advised to see a doctor if you are already taking any medications for managing your blood sugar levels. Too much ginseng tea could react with your medication and further lower your blood sugar level below the desired point.
5. Irregular Heart Beats And Blood Clots
This beneficial tea is also known for its blood-thinning effects which can further lead to irregular flow of blood across the body and could result in excessive bleeding.
6. May Cause Sleeplessness
As a healthy volume of ginseng tea consumption can significantly raise the energy levels of the body, it is important to note that this beverage should not be consumed immediately before bedtime as it may cause restlessness and may disturb the sleep cycle.
How To Prepare Ginseng Tea?
The preparation of ginseng tea, just like any other type of tea.
Ingredients for Making Ginseng Tea
It involves the infusion of the a healthy cup of ginseng tea are:
1. A single cup of water.
2. A single ginseng root or a teaspoon of ginseng powder.
3. Any additional sweetener such as lime juice or honey.
Method of Preparation
Now that we have the entire list of essential ingredients for this particular herbal tea, we can start with a step-by-step explanation of its method of preparation.
Step 1: Boil the Water
- First and foremost, heat the water until it reaches its boiling point and starts bubbling.
Step 2: Peel Ginseng Root
- Add the washed and peeled ginseng root to this water.
Step 3: Let it Infuse
- Leave it for roughly 10 minutes for proper infusion and transfer of nutrients.
Step 4: Ready to Sip
- Remove the roots and other remaining precipitates from the water, before pouring it in a cup. And your healthy beverage is ready.
However, in order to enhance the taste, you can add natural sweeteners such as honey, but it may result in an increase in calories. So, you must be careful with how much sweeteners you add to your cup, for an excess amount can further damage ginseng tea’s beneficial nature.
What Makes Ginseng Tea Different?
Well, the difference between ginseng tea and other types of tea is quite easy to point out.
- As a form of herbal tea, ginseng tea, unlike regular teas, does not come from the called Camellia Sinensis. Camellia sinensis is a plant that gives us a variety of tea leaves, from green tea, oolong tea to black tea.
Presence of Ginsenosides
- Most of ginseng tea’s health benefits are derived from a chemical called ‘ginsenosides, which is absent in other teas.
High Calorie
- Ginseng tea is known to have a higher amount of calories as compared to other types. For example, a single cup of ginseng tea contains about 11 calories; meanwhile, a single cup of black tea contains about 1 calorie. This tells us that consumption of ginseng tea can supply the body with an excess of energy, though its high consumption can turn this excess of energy into fat.
Final Words
Ginseng tea is considered to be a beneficial beverage that can aid in getting rid of various problems. From being able to lower the blood glucose level to maintaining the blood cholesterol level, ginseng tea’s medicinal aspects are fabulous, to say the least.