Noni Fruit (नोनी फल) or Indian Mulberry is considered to be a highly beneficial traditional remedy. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines traditional medicines as ‘the sum total of the knowledge, skills, and practices based on the theories, beliefs, and experiences indigenous to different cultures, whether explicable or not, used in the maintenance of health as well as in the prevention, diagnosis, improvement or treatment of physical and mental illness.’
Thanks to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory nature, noni juice doesn’t shy away from showing is full potential when consumed on a regular basis. It has wide-ranging advantages on your overall health and wellness, including improving immunity, boosting cardiovascular health and maintaining blood sugar levels. Here, we take a closer look at all the health benefits that this Ayurvedic fruit provides.
Did you know noni fruit was used to make a natural dye? A brown/yellow dye was obtained from noni fruit which was used to make traditional textiles.
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Watch: Noni Juice Benefits | Merits Of Drinking Noni Juice
Health Benefits Of Noni Juice
Noni juice is obtained from a tropical plant called noni fruit. Noni fruit (Scientific name – Morinda citrifolia) is also known as Indian mulberry, beach mulberry, great morinda and cheese fruit in different parts of the world. Polynesian people have been using this fruit for medicinal purposes for over 2000 years to treat infections, constipation, and arthritis (by reducing inflammation). The noni fruit is stinky and is usually mixed with the juices of other fruits to mask the unpleasant smell.

1. It Is Anti-Aging
Rich in antioxidants such as vitamin C and selenium, adequate consumption of noni juice can reduce the concentration of free radicals in the blood. This is due to the fact that antioxidants, particularly the ones that are found in noni juice, combine with the free-oxygen atom (free-radical) before they get a chance to come in contact with a healthy cell.
Free oxygen atoms can produce oxidative stress over the cell lining, which could damage healthy cells. Such damage to healthy cells is the root of aging; hence by reducing the concentration of antioxidants, a regular glassful of noni juice can delay the onset of signs of aging.
We all know that oxidative stress on our body can lead to many diseases like cancer, heart disease and diabetes. Studies suggest that antioxidant rich foods can help reduce oxidative stress on the body which in turn helps to boost our overall health.
2. Improves Immunity
Noni juice has been used for thousands of years to help strengthen the immune system. Consumption of a glassful of noni juice can have anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, antimutagenic, antifungal and anti-histamine properties, and these properties make it a wonderful candidate for the strengthening of the immune system.
In addition, the polysaccharides that are present in noni juice are beneficial in fighting off the infections caused by the attack of external pathogens. The polysaccharides are responsible for stimulating the activity of white blood cells, which in itself plays an important role in the health of the immune cells of the body.
Also Read: Top 10 Benefits Of Mulberry
3. Provides Protection To Liver
Noni juice is also used for its hepato-protective (providing protection to the liver) nature (1). It is known to protect the liver from chemicals such as lead, thus preventing it from getting toxic.
4. Promotes Cardiovascular Health
One of the chief advantages of including noni juice into your daily diet is its dilating effect on contracted blood vessels, thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties. This helps to create a regulated flow of blood throughout the body, thus, resulting in a healthy heart by maintaining the blood pressure at an adequate level.
Noni juice may help reduce cellular damage associated with smoking tobacco. A few studies suggest that noni juice can also help promote heart health by lowering high cholesterol levels amongst heavy smokers. But, there is a definite need of more research to support the benefits of noni juice on lowering cholesterol levels.
5. Maintain Blood Sugar Levels
Daily intake of noni fruit juice is linked with the increase in the secretion of insulin, a pancreatic hormone that is used for breaking down the sugar molecules present in the blood (2). Once the insulin levels in the blood are regulated, the blood glucose level can be optimized as well. This is especially beneficial to those suffering from diabetes – a disease where the body’s ability to produce insulin is impeded.
6. Promotes Gastric Health
Phytonutrients (the chemicals produced in plants) present in noni juice can significantly aid in delaying gastric emptiness, further resulting in the slowing down of the digestion process. By slowing out the discharge of sugar in the bloodstream, along with other digestive enzymes, without decreasing the volume of waste excreted, the daily consumption of noni juice can help in healthy digestion.
7. Faster Healing
The significant increase in the efficient working of collagen, a major component of connective tissues that is responsible for healing, is amongst the many benefits which are usually associated with the consumption of noni fruit juice. Furthermore, the effect of noni juice in slowing down the blood sugar level also strengthens its position, as high blood glucose level often leads to the poor circulation of blood, which might reduce the speed of tissue repair.
Studies suggest that the antiviral properties of noni juice can help protect us from cough, fever and body aches too.
8. Natural Moisturizer
The anti-oxidant characteristic of noni juice is responsible for increasing the water retention capabilities of the skin cells, which helps in keeping them nourished. Furthermore, by reducing the risk of free-radical damage, this juice can benefit by helping the skin maintain its structure and look lively as it delays the signs of aging.
Also Read: Skin and Hair Applications Of Aloe Vera
9. Beneficial For Mental Health
Yes, if you thought that noni juice only takes care of physical ailments, it would certainly surprise you to acknowledge its beneficial properties towards mental and cognitive health as well.
According to a study, consumption of noni juice has been proved to have anti-psychotic effects. Though the test subjects were rats, it definitely shows promise and further research is still underway (3). Moreover, the antioxidant nature of noni juice can help in the protection of nervous tissues from free-radicals, fighting the onset of diseases such as Alzheimer’s. Noni juice can help reduce stress levels also.
Some animal and human studies also suggest that noni juice can help reduce fatigue also.
Side Effects Of Noni Juice

Each and every item has some adverse effects associated with itself if not consumed in a regulated manner. There have been conflicting views on the safety of using noni juice. Here are a few side effects associated with consumption of noni juice.
The adverse effects of Noni Juice, however, are concentrated mainly on the kidneys, for that is the organ in which it mainly focuses due to its liquid nature.
It is quite important to note that noni juice contains a high amount of minerals such as potassium, which, if consumed within limits, can help with the excretion of excess water thus lowering blood pressure. However, heavy consumption of potassium can prove to be dangerous, as the excess mineral gets deposited over the kidney lining and may increase the risk of kidney stones. People with kidney problems must keep a check on the intake and in case someone is on kidney medication, take proper medical advice before taking noni juice.
The increase in the level of potassium in a body can lead to the rise in symptoms like nausea and cardiac arrhythmia (irregular beating of the heart). Thus it is advised for you to consult your doctor, and also make sure that you don’t have a kidney problem before indulging in a glassful of this healthy beverage.
The average consumption of noni juice per day should be between 30 to 750 ml, and you should also note that the fruits used for making this juice must be fresh and ripe (a ripe noni fruit is soft from inside).
How To Make Noni Juice At Home
The preparation of noni juice is something that shouldn’t occupy much of your mind, for this easy to make a recipe only require two ingredients, a glass of water, and noni fruit. Noni juice is a rich source of vitamin C, biotin, and folate. The steps involved in making a glassful of this healthy beverage are:
- Add one glass of water to the blender, and then carefully crush the noni fruit before mixing (as it might be too big for the blender).
- After blending both the ingredients, the drink is thick, add more water until you achieve the required consistency.
- Since it will have an appalling taste, you can further add other fruit juices such as orange juice in the mix.
Before adding any sweetener to the mix, you must take its volume into consideration, for a large volume of sweetener can increase the number of calories, which might further have adverse effects on your health.
Best Time To Drink Noni Juice

This part is the most important aspect of consuming noni juice for your well-being. The best time to have noni juice is usually on an empty stomach, as it can increase the absorption rate for the meal that you later eat.
It must be consumed more than half-hour before a meal, and also make sure that you don’t drink it before going to bed, for it is responsible for providing the body with energy, and could further result in sleep deprivation, thus disrupting your sleep cycle.
So if you are thinking of making noni juice a part of your daily diet, you know the various factors that could help you make noni juice a regular in your life!
Fun fact – Model Miranda Kerr is a big fan of noni juice and has been drinking it for many years. She gives credit to Tahitian noni juice for her glowing complexion.
Noni is not grown in India, so how do we get Noni juice?
Noni juice is a tropical drink derived from the fruit of the Morinda citrifolia tree. This tree grows among lava flows in Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands. Many brands of Noni juice are available in the market, as per the label on the bottle, you can add water to the concentrate of juice and drink it.
Beware of added sugars or preservatives in the concentrate as it not provide with the optimum amount of nutrients. In some countries, it is also available in the form of teas, capsules, tablets and powder.Why does Noni smell so bad?
Noni is also nicknamed as ‘the vomit fruit’ because of its strong, pungent smell, which worsens as the fruit ripens—some claim you can smell it from up to five metres away. Fortunately, noni fruit tastes better than it smells, although it’s fairly bland which is why it’s usually blended with other fruits when juicing
Is noni juice good for arthritis?
Noni fruit was used as a traditional medicine for over 2000 years as a pain relief medicine, especially for arthritis. Studies suggest that noni juice can help reduce the pain associated with arthritis by reducing the inflammation. It can help manage chronic arthritis pain
Disclaimer – This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information before making any dietary changes.